Daojai Thai Therapy


Massage Therapy for Depression

How can massage therapy help relieve depression?

When your muscles and connective tissues become stiff or rigid, it can cause pain and limit your movement. Massage therapy can help relieve this tension in your muscles and connective tissues. It also increases your blood flow and promotes relaxation.

If you have depression, massage therapy probably won’t cure your condition. But it may help relieve the physical symptoms associated with it. For example, massage may help alleviate sluggishness, back pain, joint pain, and muscle aches. It can also help relieve fatigue and sleeping problems.


6 Pressure Points for Anxiety Relief

Most people experience anxiety at some point in their life. You might experience mild symptoms when facing a challenging or stressful situation. You might also have more severe, long-lasting symptoms that impact your daily life, including:

  • feelings of panic, fear, or worry
  • restlessness
  • difficulty concentrating
  • difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • nausea, headaches, or digestive concerns
  • feeling a lack of control
  • muscle tension

Anxiety is typically treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both. There are also several alternative treatments, including acupressure, that can help.

Acupressure is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that may provide temporary relief from anxiety symptoms. It involves stimulating pressure points in your body, either on your own or with the help of a professional.

Read on to learn about six pressure points you can try for anxiety relief.

1. Hall of impression point

2. Heavenly gate point

3. Shoulder well point

4. Union valley point

5. Great surge point

6. Inner frontier gate point